Juneteenth- Celebrate Freedom

Juneteenth — more than a holiday, it stands as a poignant symbol of Black resilience, dignity, and delayed freedom. This day echoes the cruel truth of systemic oppression faced by enslaved Black individuals in Galveston, Texas, who learned of their freedom two and a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation. Juneteenth implores us not merely to celebrate, but to probe the depths of systemic racism and persistent injustice.

It invokes the spirit of those who rejoiced despite their hardships — a testament to human endurance. As we commemorate this day, let us honor it not only with jubilation but with a commitment to dismantle the oppressive structures that still lurk in our society. Juneteenth beckons us towards a better future, a world where justice delayed is no longer justice denied.


Juneteenth: Why Celebrating Juneteenth is more important now than Ever - VOX

Emancipation evoked a mix of emotions in freed slaves - Washington Post

Last Seen: Finding Family After Slavery - Last Seen

Where in the U.S. did slavery still exist after Juneteenth? - Tracing Center


Japanese Internment


Fred Hampton: Part II